“ No idea is conceived in our mind independent of our five senses” – Albert Einstein
Shalakya Tantram is one among the eight primordial branches of Ayurveda that deals with the diagnosis and management of diseases seated above the region of neck. This relates to the structures present in one of the three most important marmas – the ‘shiras’. The department of Shalakya Tantra, at Ashtamgam, upholds the excellence of treating these diseases of Eye, ENT & head with a precision that is required to handle any ‘shalaka’( a probe used to carry out finer surgeries)
The department, with its team of doctors, stays rooted to the legacy of Ashtamgam and provides the most authentic treatment ever known, in the field of Ayurveda. We provide quality treatment in improving vision in diseases like Refractive errors,Dry eye, conjunctivitis,inflammatory eye diseases like uveitis, Optic neuritis, Corneal opacities, and preventing progression of diseases like Diabetic retinopathy, Retinitis Pigmentosa, Age related macular diseases and Optic atrophy. Among ENT disorders, we are successfully treating Allergic diseases like allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, migraine, tonsillitis, adenoid hypertrophy, Deviated nasal septum and Hearing loss, scalp disorders.
In the academic front, the students are moulded to become doctors with the best clinical and academic expertise.
Vision and mission
To mould the next generation of doctors with quality and value based Ayurvedic medical education along with a research oriented approach to obtain optimum skill in the field of Shalakya Tantra and provide the best patient care
Faculty profile
Technical staff:
- Lasitha V. K – Attender
The department has all the facilities to maintain the Academic standards . The department is well furnished with a full-fledged department library, models, charts, instruments and specimen.Training facilities in Kriyakramas, Sashtra & Anusashtra Karmas with well equipped OPDs ,OT and IPD facilities and advanced investigation techniques.
- Department room
- Faculty cabin
- Departmental library
- Kriyakalpa Room
- Seperate Eye & ENT OPD s
- Shalakya OT
- Fundoscopy
- Eye exercise unit
- ENT diagnostic mini endoscopy
Netra kriyakalpas
- Seka
- Aschyotana
- Pindi
- Bidalaka
- Tarpana
- Putapka
- Anjana
Para surgical procedures
- Agnikarma
- Ksharakarma
- Jaloukavacharana
ENT Kriyakalpas
- Karnadhoopana
- Karnamoola lepa
- Karnapooranam
- Nasya Karma
- Nasa pichu
- Nasa lepa
- Nasavarthi
- Gandoosha
- Kabala
- Sukha saishavam programme: A Joint venture along with the department of Kaumarabhritya, and in association with Sree Maharshi Vidyalaya, Nhangattari. Started in the year 2018, with a vision to render our service for the general health check-up of the students. The students are given routine Eye & ENT check-up, every Friday
- Awareness classes and free Eye check-up are conducted in our hospital as a part of world glaucoma week
- Free ENT check-up are conducted on the occasion of World Hearing Day
- An awareness class and free eye check-up was conducted on the occasion of World Sight day at Govt High School, Nagalassery. The department extended this venture to provide its service for routine Eye Check-up for the students, every Thursday.
- Various medicines are prepared under the supervision of experts doctors.
- We have a well-functioning Eye Exercise Unit attached to our department.
A well-equipped kriyakalpa room, with well trained therapists are also a laudable asset of the department. The different kriyakalpas like seka, aschyotana, pindi, bidalaka tarpana, putapaka, anjana, nasya, sirolepa, mukhalepa, karnadhoopana, etc are routinely done, under the guidance and supervision of the consulting doctors.
![]() | Dr. Aswin T Das Associate Professor MS (Ay), Shalakyatantram Read more » |
![]() | Dr. Anjali A Assistant Professor MS (Ay), Shalakyatantram Read more » |