Kayachikitsa (Internal Medicine)

Kayachikitsa mainly deals with the diagnosis and treatment of general diseases such as Fever, Diabetes, and Liver Diseases etc. Ayurvedic diagnosis and treatment are based on the thridosha theory. If tridoshas are in balanced state all bodily activities will be in normal rhythm and body in a healthy state. Deranged doshas cause diseases, ayurveda cure diseases by attaining the balance of doshas. The Ayurvedic therapeutics is also based on the concept of maintaining Agni, which is responsible for all bio transformations in the body. Maintaining the proper state of agni is important for the equilibrium of tridoshas.
By application of these theories, Ayurveda cures different diseases without causing any harm to the body. This branch is concerned with different shodhana (purifying), Shamana (pacifying) and rasayana (rejuvenating) therapies for the elimination of the root cause of the illness.

Mainly focus on

Rheumatic Diseases:-
Rheumatic fever, Rheumatoid arthritis, SLE, Osteoarthritis, Cervical Spondylosis, Osteoporosis.

Metabolic Diseases:-
Hyper-Hypo Thyroidism, Obesity, Hyper cholestremia Hypertension, Anaemia, Diabetics and its Complication (Neuropathy, Nephropathy, Ulcer), etc.

Gastro intestinal disorder:-
Hyper acidity, IBS, Peptic ulcer, Diarrhoea etc.

Skin Diseases: –
Psoriasis, Eczema, Dermatitis and other skin diseases

Airway diseases:-
Bronchial asthma, chronic and acute coughs, COPD, Allergies, etc

Neurological Diseases:-
Stroke, Facial Palsy, MND, Multiple sclerosis, Muscular dystrophy, Sciatica Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease.

Heart Diseases
Coronary heart diseases, hypertension

Liver Diseases
Fatty liver, Hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, cholecystitis etc,

Urinary Diseases
UTI, Calculi, BPH, Chronic renal diseases

Psychiatric Diseases
Anxiety, Depression, OCD, Dementia, Psychosomatic Disorders

Male infertility:-
Varicoceles, Hormonal abnormalities, abnormalities in semen analysis, erectile dysfunction.

Rasayana Chikitsa:-
It is a Unique concept of Ayurveda for Rejuvenate our body to improve immunity against diseases and avoid recurrence of diseases.

Dr. Narayanan Nambi
MD (Ay), Kayachikitsa
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Dr. Manoj Kumar K
MD (Ay), Kayachikitsa
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Dr. Anusree SB
Associate Professor
MD (Ay), Kayachikitsa
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